Sunday, April 08, 2007

Lindsey's Photos

I am in Arkansas for Easter and asked Lindsey to take pictures at my grandparents farm. I thought she would get people pictures, maybe some action shots, but the first thing I saw was a bell.

Then some others popped up ...

She captured some things that probably haven't been seen for quite some time.

My dad thinks this was his old bicycle.

I like this one because you can see Lindsey and Keith's shadows.

She did have some people shots...

These are my dad's parents with my kids, one of my sister's boys, Kyle, and Molly's Arkansas friend, MaryBeth. In the kitchen shot are my grandma, sister, aunt Vickie and me.

Lindsey also got shots of Keith and I wonder why he'll pose for her and not me.

She's even good enough with the camera to catch him falling out of the tree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HaHa...laughing at Keith falling our of the tree! Great Pics! We miss you guys. See you soon and have a safe trip back!

April 09, 2007 11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lindsey has a great eye!

April 22, 2007 9:16 AM  

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