Sunday, December 10, 2006

Stairs and Kicks

When I was a kid I always wanted a house with stairs so I could do this. M and her friend go down in sleeping bags because they are slick and slicker means faster. Fallon got hurt at one point and after M showed the proper amount of concern she asked Fallon if she wanted to watch M go down. Fun.

The bear is at the bottom of the stairs to soften the blow if they don't land feet first.

Of course injuries are not uncommon. C has a history of hurting his head (remember the skull fracture). He left his mark at the bottom of the stairs one night with his head.

It was 2:30 in the morning and there were various friends staying over so I was in and out of sleep listening to what was going on. I heard a lot of bumps, then a loud thump. That woke me up. But after hearing all the other kids show the proper amount of concern and hearing him respond, I rolled over and went back to sleep.

Keith was promoted on Saturday to Blue Belt. I was able to watch his, but not Lindsey when she received her green belt Friday night. She'll have pictures for me tomorrow.

Actually this was a busy weekend for Keith. Band at a basketball game Friday night, promotion in karate on Saturday and a Winter Concert in Choir today. Proud mom moment, he's a straight A student, never causes me grief, never asks to do anything that would concern me if I agreed, and he still likes me. People tell me he'll break my heart one day as a teenager, but I can't see it. I'll let you know.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

For My Anonymous Friend, Kathy's more photos for you. Wish I could take credit but, no, these of course came from our famous and lovely and thoughtful friend, Becky, who happens to have a birthday today. Happy Birthday Becky, I hope it was wonderful!

Kathy, here is your best friend. He only smiles when he's holding M or hugging you.

And, well, it goes without saying that I need to hide her until she's 30.

And here's my little boy.

Spent the day in Grand Island and had dinner with Paul and younger kids at Applebee's. He's leaving tomorrow so back to the normal routine.

Come see me and I'll make cookies. (That's for everyone, not just Kathy...she just knows how to ask).