Stairs and Kicks
When I was a kid I always wanted a house with stairs so I could do this. M and her friend go down in sleeping bags because they are slick and slicker means faster. Fallon got hurt at one point and after M showed the proper amount of concern she asked Fallon if she wanted to watch M go down. Fun.
The bear is at the bottom of the stairs to soften the blow if they don't land feet first.
Of course injuries are not uncommon. C has a history of hurting his head (remember the skull fracture). He left his mark at the bottom of the stairs one night with his head.
It was 2:30 in the morning and there were various friends staying over so I was in and out of sleep listening to what was going on. I heard a lot of bumps, then a loud thump. That woke me up. But after hearing all the other kids show the proper amount of concern and hearing him respond, I rolled over and went back to sleep.
Keith was promoted on Saturday to Blue Belt. I was able to watch his, but not Lindsey when she received her green belt Friday night. She'll have pictures for me tomorrow.
Actually this was a busy weekend for Keith. Band at a basketball game Friday night, promotion in karate on Saturday and a Winter Concert in Choir today. Proud mom moment, he's a straight A student, never causes me grief, never asks to do anything that would concern me if I agreed, and he still likes me. People tell me he'll break my heart one day as a teenager, but I can't see it. I'll let you know.