Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Favorite Cake Site

OK, I already don't like that other post I just put up, so click here


and spend some time looking at decorated cakes.

I was afraid I'd see one of mine here, but fortunately none of you have turned me in yet.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Road Trips

This is why I don't like to drive Hwy 30 between Grand Island and Fremont. Besides the dirty windshield can you see the problem with this route? Speed limit 60 and no passing. It was no real trick to get the speedometer and tractor in the same picture. Not like I was racing along. I'll never learn.

The real road trip was this weekend. 1000 miles in two days.

My nephew is going to school in NW Arkansas. Molly wanted to go to stay with my family for a while this summer so we met my sister in Fayetteville while they were moving Kody into his apartment. My sister was sad. I remembered back to the tears when I went to college that first year. Exciting for me...not so much for my sister and parents.

More pics...this place and the area in general, is so pretty. Hills, trees and natural lakes. It's a much better meeting spot for kid transfer than our usual Columbia.

This picture looks a little weird to me. Like Moo doesn't have a body. Molly was a little apprehensive when I left this morning, but I know she'll be fine.That purse on Molly's back? It has a razorback on it. She's planning for the future.